

Naren K. Schreiner

Naren serves as an archaka and pujari (ordained Hindu priest) at the Kali Mandir in Laguna Beach, as spiritual director for the Centro Jamadi in Querétaro (home of the first Hanuman Mandir in Mexico) and as spiritual advisor and counselor to other organizations and to families and individuals on the path of yoga and dharma. Naren began his spiritual search at a young age and became a monk of the Self-Realization Fellowship Ashram of Paramahansa Yogananda. For 14 years he studied, served the SRF mission, and lived the pure, disciplined life of a monk. During those years he also concentrated on India's spiritual heritage, yoga sadhana and devotional chanting. In 2010 Naren, with the support and blessing of his spiritual counselors, chose to leave the ashram and expand his lifework and spiritual quest. Naren was invited to be a resident guest scholar at the ITC-Sangeet Research Academy in India, where he studied with maestros of classical music, concentrating on bhavsangeet. In 2012 Naren founded Sangita Yoga, through which he teaches and offers sacred music in various spiritual centers, universities, cultural and interfaith centers throughout US and México (Naren is fluent in Spanish). He also released four albums of Indian sacred music. He then founded Avahana (meaning "invocation" in Sanskrit) as his primary spiritual service.


Lopamudra Bose

Lopamudra has been a part of Sangita Yoga since its inception, working on translations, teaching language, and offering guidance and inspiration. Her passion to preserve the traditions of her homeland brings a special quality and grace to Sangita Yoga. Born in Kolkata, India, she was naturally drawn to the sacred art and culture of her homeland. Her degree in Philosophy from University of Calcutta reflects her deep interest and study of the spirit. As an ardent devotee of Kali and a disciple of Paramahansa Yogananda, Lopamudra has practiced yoga meditation and chanting of Sanskrit stotram and mantras for most of her life.